
To contribute, you’ll need to:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a branch and push your changes there.

  3. Run task and ensure it does pass.

  4. Send it to us as a PR.

  5. Iterate on your PR, incorporating the requested improvements and participating in the discussions.

Contributing docs

We use Sphinx to generate our docs website. You can trigger the process locally by executing task docs:

It is also integrated with Read The Docs that builds and publishes each commit to the main branch and generates live docs previews for each pull request.

The sources of the Sphinx documents use reStructuredText as a de-facto standard. But in order to make contributing docs more beginner-friendly, we have integrated MyST parser allowing us to also accept new documents written in an extended version of Markdown that supports using Sphinx directives and roles. Read the docs to learn more on how to use it.